[dev-libs/libmongocrypt] add

This commit is contained in:
Robert Förster 2024-06-22 00:56:22 +02:00
parent 4b78c7ceb6
commit 68b96b1f2e
5 changed files with 258 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
DIST libmongocrypt-1.10.0.tar.gz 4166115 BLAKE2B ca206622ceefab98c037e5987bb370560cd9b26d6281f0fa4c5a1a6680bafc2a664ff8b292ba4725994eb5da996081bb3eb3250526357e5cd6cdf7e4a8499015 SHA512 a994a69112e6af4a21f4118a61e33110fdfef4adb1018f1ebdaef4e25c1211ac4957b24879f67ebb6adb0b0e6dff5bef69fe8b6dad18adcc0a7780de1cea1d7f

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 4285f3d39..fe09b8857 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ elseif (DEFINED CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY)
message (WARNING "The CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY variable is set, but CMake is too old to understand it")
endif ()
+if (POLICY CMP0135)
+ cmake_policy (SET CMP0135 NEW)
+endif ()
project (mongocrypt C)
# Used for the csfle-markup util:
diff --git a/cmake/IntelDFP.cmake b/cmake/IntelDFP.cmake
index da0cdc2fd..cb6bb48d4 100644
--- a/cmake/IntelDFP.cmake
+++ b/cmake/IntelDFP.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
include (FetchContent)
-find_program (GIT_EXECUTABLE git)
-find_program (PATCH_EXECUTABLE patch)
# When updating the version of IntelDFP, also update the version in etc/purls.txt
set (_default_url "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/third-party/IntelRDFPMathLib20U2.tar.xz")
@@ -19,18 +17,22 @@ if (NOT INTEL_DFP_LIBRARY_URL_SHA256 STREQUAL "no-verify")
endif ()
-# Make the PATCH_COMMAND a no-op if it was disabled
-set (patch_command)
-set (patch_input_opt)
- set (patch_command "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E true)
- set (patch_command "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" --work-tree=<SOURCE_DIR> apply)
-else ()
- set (patch_command "${PATCH_EXECUTABLE}" --dir=<SOURCE_DIR>)
- set (patch_input_opt -i)
+ set (patch_disabled ON)
endif ()
+include (Patch)
+make_patch_command (patch_command
+ DISABLED "${patch_disabled}"
+ "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-s390x.patch"
+ "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-MONGOCRYPT-571.patch"
+ "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-libmongocrypt-pr-625.patch"
+ "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-alpine-arm-fix.patch"
+ )
# NOTE: The applying of the patch expects the correct input directly from the
# expanded archive. If the patch needs to be reapplied, you may see errors
# about trying to update the intel_dfp component. If you are seeing such
@@ -40,14 +42,7 @@ FetchContent_Declare (
URL "${_default_url}"
- ${patch_command}
- -p 4 # Strip four path components
- ${patch_input_opt} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-s390x.patch"
- ${patch_input_opt} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-MONGOCRYPT-571.patch"
- ${patch_input_opt} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-libmongocrypt-pr-625.patch"
- ${patch_input_opt} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/etc/mongo-inteldfp-alpine-arm-fix.patch"
- --verbose
+ PATCH_COMMAND ${patch_command} --verbose
FetchContent_GetProperties (intel_dfp)
diff --git a/cmake/Patch.cmake b/cmake/Patch.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..057e91a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/Patch.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+find_program(GIT_EXECUTABLE git)
+find_program(PATCH_EXECUTABLE patch)
+ Form a new Patch-applying command for the given inputs
+ make_patch_command(
+ <outvar>
+ [DISABLED <bool>]
+ [DIRECTORY <dir>]
+ PATCHES [<file> ...]
+ )
+function(make_patch_command out)
+ if(patch_DISABLED)
+ # Use a placeholder "no-op" patch command.
+ set(cmd "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-E" "true")
+ # git ...
+ set(cmd ${GIT_EXECUTABLE})
+ if(patch_DIRECTORY)
+ # git --work-tree=...
+ list(APPEND cmd --work-tree=${patch_DIRECTORY})
+ endif()
+ # git ... apply ...
+ list(APPEND cmd apply)
+ # git ... apply -pN ...
+ list(APPEND cmd -p${patch_STRIP_COMPONENTS})
+ endif()
+ # git accepts patch filepaths as positional arguments
+ list(APPEND cmd ${patch_PATCHES})
+ else()
+ # patch ...
+ set(cmd ${PATCH_EXECUTABLE})
+ if(patch_DIRECTORY)
+ # patch --dir=...
+ list(APPEND cmd --dir=${patch_DIRECTORY})
+ endif()
+ # patch ... -pN ...
+ list(APPEND cmd -p${patch_STRIP_COMPONENTS})
+ endif()
+ # Prepend "--input=" to each patch filepath and add them to the argv
+ list(TRANSFORM patch_PATCHES PREPEND "--input=")
+ list(APPEND cmd ${patch_PATCHES})
+ endif()
+ set("${out}" "${cmd}" PARENT_SCOPE)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# This file lists known failing or flaky tests that for some reason or another
# cannot be fixed and rather should be skipped in Evergreen builds. Note that
# listing a test in this file will result in the test being skipped on all
# platforms, build variants, tasks, etc.
# The format of this file is as follows:
# - one test per line, with an optional comment (total lines in file < 1,000)
# - comments begin with a hash (#) character and continue to the end of the line
# - lines starting with the comment character and blank lines are ignored
# - specify test names as they are known to the test runner (e.g., /some/test)
# - specify sub-tests of spec tests by an additional slash (/) and the quoted description
# (e.g., /some/spec/test/"sub-test 1")
# - placing a comment at the end of a line will cause the test runner to output
# the comment text as the skip reason when the test is skipped
# Example entries:
# /skip/entire/test # this will be output by the runner as the skip reason
# /skip/part/of/spec/test/"sub-test description" # this will also be output
#/change_stream/live/track_resume_token # (CDRIVER-4344) Condition 'bson_compare (resume_token, &doc2_rt) == 0' failed
#/ClientPool/pop_timeout # (CDRIVER-4348) precondition failed: duration_usec / 1000 >= 1990
#/change_streams/legacy/change-streams # (CDRIVER-4350) Could not establish stream for node [TLS handshake failed: Connection timed out calling hello on '']
#/change_streams/legacy/change-streams-resume-allowlist # (CDRIVER-4350) Could not establish stream for node [TLS handshake failed: Connection timed out calling hello on '']
#/change_streams/legacy/change-streams-resume-errorLabels # (CDRIVER-4350) Could not establish stream for node [TLS handshake failed: Connection timed out calling hello on '']
#/unified/entity-find-cursor # (CDRIVER-4350) Could not establish stream for node [TLS handshake failed: Connection timed out calling hello on '']
#/change_streams/legacy/change-streams-errors # (CDRIVER-4350) Could not establish stream for node [TLS handshake failed: Connection timed out calling hello on ''] (on ASAN Tests Ubuntu 18.04 build variant)
#/transactions/legacy/mongos-recovery-token/"commitTransaction retry fails on new mongos" # fails with server selection timeout (CDRIVER-4268)
#/transactions/legacy/pin-mongos/"unpin after transient error within a transaction and commit" # (CDRIVER-4351) server selection timeout (on ASAN Tests Ubuntu 18.04 build variant)
#/Samples # (CDRIVER-4352) strange "heartbeat failed" error
#/client_side_encryption/bypass_spawning_mongocryptd/mongocryptdBypassSpawn # Fails if crypt_shared is visible
/MongoDB/handshake/null_args #potentially gcc14 related
/http/get # we dont run simplehttp on gentoo
/http/post # we dont run simplehttp on gentoo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit cmake
DESCRIPTION="C library for Client Side and Queryable Encryption in MongoDB"
SRC_URI="https://github.com/mongodb/libmongocrypt/archive/refs/tags/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~hppa ~riscv ~x86"
IUSE="static-libs test"
REQUIRED_USE="test? ( static-libs )"
# No tests on x86 because tests require dev-db/mongodb which don't support
# x86 anymore (bug #645994)
RESTRICT="x86? ( test )
!test? ( test )"
test? (
# "${FILESDIR}/inteldfp.patch"
src_prepare() {
# remove doc files
# sed -i '/^\s*install\s*(FILES COPYING NEWS/,/^\s*)/{d}' CMakeLists.txt || die
# enable tests
# sed -i '/message (STATUS "disabling test-libmongoc since using system libbson")/{d}' CMakeLists.txt || die
# sed -i '/SET (ENABLE_TESTS OFF)/{d}' CMakeLists.txt || die
# sed -i 's/message (FATAL_ERROR "System libbson built without static library target")/message (STATUS "System libbson built without static library target")/' CMakeLists.txt || die
# sed -i 's#<bson/bson-private.h>#"bson/bson-private.h"#' src/libbson/tests/test-bson.c || die
src_configure() {
local mycmakeargs=(
-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON # mongoc-stat insecure runpath
-DENABLE_STATIC="$(usex static-libs ON OFF)"
# FEATURES="test -network-sandbox" USE="static-libs" emerge dev-libs/mongo-c-driver
#src_test() {
# local PORT=27099
# mongod --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --enableMajorityReadConcern \
# --port ${PORT} --bind_ip --nounixsocket --fork \
# --dbpath="${T}" --logpath="${T}/mongod.log" || die
# MONGOC_TEST_URI="mongodb://[]:${PORT}" \
# ../mongo-c-driver-${PV}_build/src/libmongoc/test-libmongoc \
# --skip-tests "${FILESDIR}/skip-tests.txt" || die
# kill $(<"${T}/mongod.lock")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
<maintainer type="person">
<name>Alexys Jacob</name>
<remote-id type="github">mongodb/mongo-c-driver</remote-id>