#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 command="/usr/bin/spectrum2_manager" command_group="spectrum" command_user="spectrum" name="Spectrum2 Transport" shell="/bin/sh" su="/bin/su" depend() { need net } start() { ebegin "Starting ${name}" "${su}" "${command_user}" -c "${command} start" -s "${shell}" eend $? } start_pre() { # Ensure /run/spectrum2 dir is owned by spectrum user. # spectrum2_manager stores pidfiles of individual services here. # See security related comment at the bottom. checkpath -d -o "${command_user}:${command_group}" -q "/run/spectrum2" } status() { ebegin "Status ${name}" "${su}" "${command_user}" -c "${command} status" -s "${shell}" eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping ${name}" "${su}" "${command_user}" -c "${command} stop" -s "${shell}" eend $? } # Andrey Utkin <andrey_utkin@gentoo.org> (24 Nov 2018) # Conrad Kostecki <conrad@kostecki.com> (24 Nov 2018) # We are aware of many security issues caused by careless chowning, see # http://michael.orlitzky.com/articles/end_root_chowning_now_(make_etc-init.d_great_again).xhtml # We believe none of these issues apply. # These pidfiles are not read by any privileged process. # checkpath here chowns only the dir itself and doesn't act recursively.